Posts tagged photography
The Art of Visuals: Thrift Shop Vibes

Sunlight streamed through the shops windows, dancing among the inaudible buzz of voices, the squeak of hangers, and the technicolor palette of clothing that filled the room. I ducked into the alley between two coat racks and the staccato click of my shutter joined the white noise all around me.

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The Less You Listen...

I woke up early to chase the dawn. Beneath the pines, the darkness lay deep, but outside the shadow the moon turned the world to silver. The night beckoned, and so I raced through it, my breath panting out in white mist in the frigid cold of the early hours.

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How To Use Instagram to Boost Creativity

It's hard finding creativity scrolling through Instagram when all you see are photos of people getting drunk, and the brunch someone had that morning, but finding a way to correctly use social media can boost your desire to create.

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Creating A Story: Alice's 'Trip' Down the Rabbit Hole

When I write a story, I usually start with an idea in mind, a daydream that had been playing over and over in my mind until my fingers can't hold back anymore. I have at least one part of the story planned out, one scene that I'm basing the entire structure off of, and I build from there.

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The Best Light For Shooting Photo's: Sunrise vs. Sunset

Honestly, I've always been a basic as heck human being who snapped all of the sunsets on my phone, but once I picked up a camera and starting expanding my work, I found out in trial and error how light actually works.

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My Top 5 Favorite Waterfalls in New York

Rushing water has always fascinated me, especially as it tumbles out over a drop, cascading into the air in a roar of excitement. Growing up in New York, I've had a bit of time to check out some of the best locations to see waterfalls in the state.

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The 5 Best Things A Weekend Warrior Can Hope For

You can't always escape to the mountains when work becomes too much for your wild mind, or school tries to dull the adventurer inside of you, so you dream of the best things the wilderness can offer you when you unleash your weekend warrior.

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How to Overcome Struggles with Creativity

Some mornings you wake up with creativity flowing through your veins…and some mornings when you wake up you don’t feel a thing. That usual spark of need to do, to act, to create just isn’t there. Some mornings turn into two, then a whole week rolls by with your camera gathering dust and that blinking cursor pestering you at the end of an unfinished paragraph in your latest story.

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