I woke up with the sun, when the air was still cold enough to send shivers up my spine.
Read MoreThe stars were beginning to bloom into existence as I drove north, despite the wind howling cold and dark against my car, the night was quiet. I turned music on loud to keep the silence at bay and kept driving.
Read MoreA planned sunrise hike turned into an early morning drive to the Adirondacks, and a few last minute Instagram DMs found me a crew and a plan to hike Big Slide, an ADK High Peak.
Read MoreThere isn't anything I can teach you about being creative, that comes from inside of you, but there is a tip I can give to help with your writing.
Rushing water has always fascinated me, especially as it tumbles out over a drop, cascading into the air in a roar of excitement. Growing up in New York, I've had a bit of time to check out some of the best locations to see waterfalls in the state.
Read MoreI get it, for some people Black Friday is one of the only ways for some people to afford to buy the things they want or need, but the best way to spend your holidays isn't caught up in the crush of consumerism and chaos of shopping centers on your holidays, its getting outside and being with those you love: #optoutside.
Read MoreSunrise filters through the clouds in dancing, golden motes, touching upon the mountainsides of the Adirondack High Peaks. It slips around the shoulders of mountains, flowing down into the vacant valleys in warm streams. Waking up to catch the sun as it stretches over the horizon, honest and slow, sets your soul on fire, helping you slip out of your tired skin and into one a little less cumbersome.
Read MoreYou can't always escape to the mountains when work becomes too much for your wild mind, or school tries to dull the adventurer inside of you, so you dream of the best things the wilderness can offer you when you unleash your weekend warrior.
Read MoreSome mornings you wake up with creativity flowing through your veins…and some mornings when you wake up you don’t feel a thing. That usual spark of need to do, to act, to create just isn’t there. Some mornings turn into two, then a whole week rolls by with your camera gathering dust and that blinking cursor pestering you at the end of an unfinished paragraph in your latest story.
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