Posts tagged blog
How To Use Instagram to Boost Creativity

It's hard finding creativity scrolling through Instagram when all you see are photos of people getting drunk, and the brunch someone had that morning, but finding a way to correctly use social media can boost your desire to create.

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Best Hiking on St John: Reef Bay Trail

Descending into the jungle between the shoulders of two mountain ridgelines, sunshine filtered down through the green of the leaves, making euphoria stutter to life in my chest and making the Reef Bay Trail my favorite on the island.

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Best Sunrise Magic in the Adirondack High Peaks

Sunrise filters through the clouds in dancing, golden motes, touching upon the mountainsides of the Adirondack High Peaks. It slips around the shoulders of mountains, flowing down into the vacant valleys in warm streams. Waking up to catch the sun as it stretches over the horizon, honest and slow, sets your soul on fire, helping you slip out of your tired skin and into one a little less cumbersome.

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The 5 Best Things A Weekend Warrior Can Hope For

You can't always escape to the mountains when work becomes too much for your wild mind, or school tries to dull the adventurer inside of you, so you dream of the best things the wilderness can offer you when you unleash your weekend warrior.

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